Immersing Players in New World’s Lore Through Interactive Web Design
An evolving website showcasing New World’s rich lore and dynamic gameplay elements.
We developed an interactive map‑driven website for Amazon’s New World, blending storytelling, 3D effects, and user exploration to bring Aeternum’s supernatural world to life.
- Strategy & Concept
- Art Direction
- Motion Design, 3D
- Development
- Sound design
Exploring Aeternum through dynamic, evolving web experiences for New World fans.
The interactive map featured hover‑activated 3D effects, offering users a deeper look into New World’s factions, crafting, and survival mechanics.
Built with WebGL, the site seamlessly adapted over time, unveiling new content alongside game updates to keep fans engaged with New World’s evolving world.
This project blended storytelling and innovation, creating a compelling digital experience that mirrored New World’s depth and adventure, while fostering excitement among its growing community of players.
Credits: 60fps
Awwwards Site of the Day, FWA Site of the Day.
Credits: 60fps
Awwwards Site of the Day, FWA Site of the Day.